Setting your beloved in Creche

Transition from Home to Creche

Settling Baby in Crèche (Click here for more tips)

Question: My 10 month old little girl has just started in the crèche and is not settling. She is very attached to me and my husband and hates being handed to anyone. What should I do?

Answer:  Do not worry. this is a normal phenomenon. Try following tips for smoother transition of baby from home atmosphere to creche atmosphere:-
  • Get baby used to new people - It sounds like it's not really the crèche your baby is having an issue with - it's just that your baby isn't used to new people? Try to hand the baby to friends when they call. Give your baby a little time to size up the visitor first and be comfortable in their presence. Baby will soon figure out the more people giving lots of attention, the better.
  • Give it time - It's so upsetting to see your little one like that, but it may take a good while for her to settle. My son started crèche at 14 months and I believed he'd never settle. For weeks he would be upset and clinging and I'd have to leave him (often by the time I was at the end of the corridor he'd be fine!), the crèche were great and rang me everyday in work to let me know how his day was going. He's now 26 months and loves the place - he sleeps, eats and plays happily there. It did take weeks and if he had a break he'd sometimes be upset again in the mornings for a few days when starting back again, it's simply that he doesn't want to leave Mum or Dad. Give it time and she'll settle soon enough.
  • Don't exacerbate the situation - Like your daughter, my son was all smiles at first, then started crying. I'd try to settle him, and I just made things worse. After a few days the head minder in the room took me aside and very nicely but firmly told me I was exacerbating the situation, and that I should just bring him in, be all smiles, and then give him a kiss and say goodbye. I tried her way (very reluctantly I might add!) and stayed outside the door where he couldn't see me, fighting tears. He roared for about thirty seconds, and then stopped. I did that for about a week, and by the end of the week the roaring would stop the second I left the room.
  • Just a phase - It does get better honestly and they do go through phases. Your daughter will probably stop the crying and maybe go through a phase of it again! But they stop before you have even got in your car in most cases. She will be fine and think of all the fun she will have with her friends - much better than being at home with mammy!
  • It's totally normal - I'm sure the girls tell you she stops crying after you leave and trust me this is true. They all do it! You will notice her getting better and better in the next week or so. Stick with it
  • Trust your instinct - I think it's just the case that she's realising it's a more permanent thing…it's not necessarily that the crèche is bad. Trust your gut on this one - you'll know if it's more than missing mammy blues